Dear Parents and Carers,
I want to start this week’s newsletter by saying a massive thank you for all the food donations for our harvest service at St George’s Church. I am staggered by the level of generosity from the community, and I know that it will greatly benefit those who need it.
This week, our children have been learning about:
Class 1 – “We have been learning about new words like disembark and rotating” (Joey)
Class 2 – “We have enjoyed our handwriting practise lessons!” (Bodhi K)
Class 3 – “We conducted an experiment about the digestive system whilst using bananas and tights – it was disgusting!” (Molly)
Class 4 – “We learnt about the Battle of Bosworth as our history topic is the Tudors. It was really fascinating!” (William)
Congratulations to the following children who were awarded the Class Stars of the Week:
Class 1 – Sophie
Class 2 – Lola
Class 3 – Nick
Class 4 – Hallie
Furthermore, a massive well done to Years 2 and 5 for having the best attendance of the week (100%)!
On Wednesday 9th October at 2:30pm – 3pm, we are excited to invite parents and carers into our school so you can what your child(ren) have been learning about in class. This is a good opportunity to see your child in action whilst in class and a chance to look around the learning environments. We also have our parent/carer evenings on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd October – please click on the link to book your slot with your child’s class teacher.
This week, I met with Erin and Ted from our amazing FROGS team. We have made a plan about how to spend the funding that has been raised. Watch this space! They have also informed me that FROGS are seeking new members – particularly a treasurer. If you are interested in joining the team, please do not hesitate to let me know or contact Erin from FROGS.
Finally, below is a message from the CEO of Ventrus Academy Trust, Gary Chown, regarding the latest developments in Ventrus and Tarka forming a new Trust:
Merger of Ventrus and Tarka Learning Partnership
We are pleased to inform you that the application to the DfE for Ventrus and Tarka Learning Partnership to merge and form a new Trust is on the agenda to be heard by the South West Regions Group Advisory Board on Monday  21st October.  As part of that process the DfE give an opportunity to submit comments about their published agenda and have asked us to share the following information with you. You may submit comments after their agenda has been published on 7th October.
If you have any comments about this agenda, please email
Comments must be submitted by email by 14th October, 5-working days before the meeting. Any comments submitted after this deadline may not be considered in advance of the meeting.

In your email please include
  • the school/academy name and trust names, and the local authority of the school/academy;
  • your relationship to the school/academy
  • your comments on the proposal
  • any alternative proposal(s) you have and
  • any other comments on the school’s/academy’s future
Please note that we will not respond to emails. Any representations received via email may be required to be released if a Freedom of Information Request (FOI) is received by the DfE.
We look forward to advising you of the outcome of the Advisory Boards decision at which point we will be contacting all stakeholders with further details about the merger and providing you with a further opportunity to represent your views to the Board of Trustees.
Kind regards
Thank you once again for your continued support and love for the school.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Mr Kevin Fry


Flu immunisation consent – you must opt in to receive.

A message from the Cornwall and Devon School Age Immunisation Service,  Kernow Health CIC.

We are due to visit your child’s school on the 11th of October 2024.
In order to access the online consent form, please enter or click on the following link:

Please submit your consent form by midday on the Tuesday 8th of October 2024 to ensure your child receives their vaccination.
If you experience any problems accessing the form, please telephone 01872 221105 for Cornwall schools and 01392 342678 for Devon schools and the team will be happy to help.
Please note that as in previous years you must opt in to the programme. If a consent form is not submitted your child will not be vaccinated and you will have to arrange your own visit to an appropriate centre delivering the vaccine.

Parents Evening – Tues 22 Oct & Wed 23rd Oct  3.30-6pm

We will be holding Parent Teacher meetings on the evenings of Tuesday 22nd October and Wednesday 23rd October from 3.30pm to 6pm.
All classes are on the same days.
Here is a link to a google form.
Please follow the instructions and select a time to meet with your child’s teacher.
You will need to submit one form per child (even if you have two children in the same class).
NB – this has been set up via our old google account so the resulting confirmation email will come to you from admin@georgeham….. You cannot reply to that email address. Be sure to use should you need to change your appointment.
(This information was also emailed to the whole school on Wednesday 2nd October.)

Musical Theatre –  ‘Hoodwinked – The Robin Hood Musical’

  • Parts have been given out and Mrs Parker will be distributing the scripts and musical numbers. Its very exciting.
  • Rehearsals are every Tuesday in the school hall, from 3.15 to 4.30pm.
  • Approx 2 weeks prior to the show dress rehearsals will be held in the village hall (you will be informed when it changes)
  • Performances are on  Tuesday 10th December 2024, one afternoon show and one in the evening (6pm) in GHM Village Hall. (nb previous newsletter had given Wed 11th as the date, but the village hall could not accommodate us on that date after all)
  • Tickets will be sold to cover the cost of putting on the production – copyright/hire of the hall/any props we may need to purchase however we can distribute a props and costumes list, so do please help where you can. Thank you.

All aboard the Walking Bus!

If you’d like to join in please be ready at :
1. Georgeham Playing fields (leaving at 7.55am)
2. Georgeham Village store (leaving at c 8am)
3. Georgeham Village Hall (leaving at c 8.05am)
Arrive at school for breakfast and pre-morning fun.
You do need to sign up the first time you come, (ask Mr Fry for a form when you see him there) but thereafter if you are at the stop the gang will give you a high five and welcome you ‘aboard’. Its a swift service so please try to be at your stop a few minutes before its leave time. (see above).

FREE Resus & Defib Training – Croyde Village Hall.

Please see this poster invitation to the annual South West Ambulance FREE resuscitation and defibrillator training on Thursday 10th October in Croyde Village Hall.  6.45pm

Braunton Countryside Centre – Saturday, 26th October 2024

Braunton Countryside Centre invites nature lovers of all ages to join in the Festival of Nature on Saturday, 26th October. This exciting event will celebrate the wonders of the natural world with a day packed full of family-friendly activities, interactive workshops, and fascinating talks from nature experts.
A highlight of the festival will be a special visit from Exmoor Zoo, who will be showcasing their “Celebration of the Little Things in Your Garden” with a bugs and beasties workshop, to be repeated serval time throughout the day. Learn all about the tiny, yet vital creatures that make our gardens thrive. Get up close and personal with some of the smallest members of the animal kingdom and discover their important role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Prebooking’s for specific time slots are essential via the Braunton Countryside Centre’s website, for more details head online.
In addition to the zoo’s engaging workshops, the day will feature a variety of nature-themed workshops, short talks, and guided themed walks around Braunton’s beautiful countryside. Whether you are a seasoned wildlife enthusiast or simply looking for a fun day out with the family, there will be something for everyone to enjoy.

SGH – Light party

Please see attached poster for the incredible (alternative to Halloween) Light Party, this year to be held at SGH on 31st October 5-7.30pm
Tickets are avail in the school office £1.50 each includes food !   Exact cash only please.

SGH light party

Gift Filled Shoebox

Samaritans purse would be delighted if you could participate in their annual wrap and fill a shoe box campaign.

This is a great half term activity to do with your children. A leaflet will be given out on Monday next week with guidance on what sort of things to pack inside. Should you have any spare old shoe boxes do drop them to school so we can share them around to those who want to participate but may not have a box.

The collection date is Monday 11th November (they need time to send them off).

Gift Filled shoebox

Shhhhhh. its a surpise.

our very own FROGS are very generously taking us all to see Beauty and the Beast at the Barnstaple theatre on Friday 13th December.
This is just a sneaky heads up in case you were thinking of booking it too.
The kitchen cannot operate as usual that day so it will be packed lunches for all KS2 please. (KS1 will be provided for)
We will bus them there, but will need you to collect them from Barnstaple afterwards. (We will arrange a safe place for that to happen and let you know).
Preschool will be closed that afternoon as this will be for R to Yr6 only, sorry preschool, it was felt they were just too young for us to take too. ( They will party too, in other ways for sure 😉 )

 Diary Dates :

click here  for the school calendar which can be found at the bottom of the website home page.

Wednesday 9th Oct – Curriculum Afternoon for parents and carers. Mr Fry, School Hall.

Thursday 10th Oct – Girls KS2 Football Tournament – all day at Kingsacre School. Invitation event.  (Please send back your consent forms).

Fri 11th Oct – Flu vaccines for ALL children Reception to Year 6.

Fri 18th Oct – Stephen Shield Cross Country Run – Torrington (for selected children, Ms McCormick to communicate, 8am bus, packed lunch required.)

Tues 22nd & Wed 23rd October – parents evening – all classes. 3.30 to 6pm – sign up via the Google form emailed to whole school on Wed 2nd Oct.

Tues 22nd – Indoor Athletics,  year 6, Braunton Academy, 4-6pm TBC

Wed 23rd October – Romans workshop for Class 3 – in the school hall, get your costumes ready !

Friday 25th October – school closed for the staff VENTRUS INSET DAY

Thurs 7th Nov – Netball High 5 (Ms McCormick will communicate)

Thurs 14th Nov – Tag rugby festival yrs 5&6 (tbc)

Mon 25th Nov – Basketball, am only, Braunton Academy (tbc)

Mon 2nd Dec – Danceathon, whole school.

Mon 9th Dec – year 3&4 Volleyball Festival, am only, Braunton Academy (tbc)

Tuesday 10th December – Robin Hood Production. Afternoon and evening performances. GHM village Hall.

Thurs 12th Dec – Children in Need Charity Christmas Jumper day

Wed 18th Dec – Christmas lunch day – this is when the whole school sits down for Christmas lunch together (no packed lunches) and the staff serve !

Fri 20th Dec – Basketball yr 5 – afternoon event- pick up from Braunton Academy. (Ms McCormick will communicate)

G’Ham term dates 25-26 pdf

The school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Kevin Fry
Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are  Emma Hill and Lucy Rinvolucri
Our SENCo is Mrs Lucy Rinvolucri.
Make contact with us via

If you have any concerns that you’d like to discuss, please call through to Lottie and ask for an appointment.
You may also find some useful or helpful information on our Safeguarding webpage…

  • Attendance We report the attendance of individual year groups as it’s a really good way to see if school attendance is at a good percentage…  as high as possible of course! The DfE have a target of 96.5%
    Attending school regularly is vital to help children achieve and to give them the best possible start in life. It’s also the legal requirement of parents once children are of school age and enrolled in mainstream education. Ofsted has a strong view about attendance of course. Too many absences can lead into difficult discussions about how we can support children to achieve and do well – we could even be downgraded for our current Good status as a result.
    Absences will only be authorised if they meet exceptional circumstances. With only 190 statutory school days in the year, there are 175 days (weekends and school holidays) left to plan for family visits, non-urgent medical/dental appointments, holidays etc. School holidays are published well in advance and parents are expected to plan and take family holidays at this time so as not to disrupt their child’s education.
    Holidays… are almost always not recognised as meeting ‘exceptional circumstances’ and therefore an absence would be unauthorised. This could result in a penalty notice being issued by DCC.
    Punctuality is important too, and the earlier we get our children into the right habits, the better. You may not realise that being just 5 minutes late every day equals 3 days of school lost a year. Please bring your child for 8.45am when they door is open and the classroom has a learning activity ready for them.