Dear Parents,
This afternoon Devon County Council have issued some guidance regarding next week and beyond.
Currently, all schools are being asked to stay open for children of key workers next week.  The official guidance for this group has not yet been released but we can make an educated guess that this includes all health workers, social care staff, police, military
[if mobilised/ called upon], delivery drivers, supermarket and food shop workers and those that work for utilities companies.  As said, this is an educated guess.  The idea is to keep society running but minimise all unnecessary contact to prevent / slow down the spread of COVID-19.  As such we would suggest that if both parents fall into the key worker category and both are working during the school day then children could come in.  If one parent is either not a key worker or not on shift (not asleep due to working nights) then the children of that family should not come in – to insure we all minimise contact and spread.  For local families it may be that workers of PALL, Perrigo and other pharmaceutical and medical factories could also count as key workers.  Hopefully by tomorrow lunchtime we will know the definitive criteria/ list so we can compile a complete list.
Children with EHCPs
The government has said that this group of children will be able to attend school and they are welcome to but I must caveat the provision we will be able to offer during this time.  In all likelihood these children will have a different key worker then usual and their key adult may change daily depending on who is available to staff the school.  It is very likely that the educational elements described on their EHCP will not take place in school.  If they have health care needs that need to met in school we will do this to the best of our ability and this would be discussed with individual families.
Vulnerable Children
These children were named by the Secretary for State and are classed as those with a named social worker or have been identified by the school.  We will also, hopefully, have more information about children currently in receipt of FSM who should receive food vouchers through the Government.
Jo and I will be in touch with some families tomorrow about school places.
I have spoken to the other local primary head teachers this afternoon and we are all able to open our own schools next week.   We will need to see what the need is and what we’re asked to do by the DfE beyond next week and into Easter, and what we are able to provide.  We are liaising daily and this information / blog has been agreed between all of us.
I’ve had complex and deep questions from many children over the past few days and I can see they are anxious.  I mentioned in the assembly at the end of the day that when I was young, I was really scared of this thing called AIDS.  But look at me now… I was careful (no details!) and I didn’t catch this ‘deadly’ disease.  I spoke to the children about the school closing, but remaining open for just a few specific children of parents who do specific jobs, and that those parents were crucial to keep everyone healthy and safe.  In fact, that by staying off school and not visiting each other, was also a kind thing to do and would keep everyone safe.   Their questions and comments were complex and deep, and they showed vulnerability.  The fears our children have may well be different from ours, but no less legitimate and they remind us that they are children!   We also spoke about the parallels between WWII and now – similar that it’s a complete change in lifestyles, but different in that everyone’s together, fighting  the same thing and looking after each other.
Keep safe everyone… (and 2 metres apart if you’re on the playground.)
…and wash your hands!
Kind regards,
(Yes, I did say non-uniform for tomorrow)