

First day in class 1!


A lovely and busy morning in class 1 today. All of the children settled so well, we were very proud of them! We started with our 'First Day' selfie's...which we hope you liked! We had a tour around the school and came up with our own classroom rules. We then had a chance to have an explore of the classroom [...]

First day in class 1!2022-08-18T13:27:13+01:00

Another Stone in the Wall!


Class 2 lived up to their long term reputation as the best stone wall builders the National Trust have ever seen. Apparently they are better than any of the older groups and adult groups combined, (small but mighty!) The children also spent time gathering natural artefacts and using them to create sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. A big [...]

Another Stone in the Wall!2022-08-18T13:27:17+01:00

Dunster Castle


Class 2 had a fantastic day out at Dunster Castle. They tried out jousting and sword fighting and everyone passed, so we now have a class full of qualified Knights! We found out about life in a castle and learnt that they only used a spoon and knife, with a piece of stale bread for a plate. We then had [...]

Dunster Castle2017-10-04T22:01:43+01:00

Class 4 Visit to the Eden Project….


In pictures....learning.... The biome at night... YHA...   High up...   Written report to be puplished by class 4 pupils later in the week! A massive thanks to Miss Trute, Mrs Benfield, Sam Hood and Paddy Fox and also to our coach driver Ian who got us there and back on a [...]

Class 4 Visit to the Eden Project….2022-08-18T13:27:20+01:00

Walling on Baggy


What a wonderful day to spend on Baggy - it was perfect! 'The best school trip ever!' I heard someone say!! Big thanks to Josh and Gudrun of the National Trust for the dry stone walling sessions - the children should be experts on how it's done!  They worked incredibly hard, were really enthusiastic and put in lots of effort! The second [...]

Walling on Baggy2022-08-18T13:27:20+01:00

Space Day


We were all really proud of Class 3 yesterday as the Space Centre commented on how fantastically behaved the class were, as well as asking some brilliant questions. They were also really impressed with the project work displayed around the room. The children had a great day learning about Space and particularly Space exploration before making and launching [...]

Space Day2016-07-13T13:11:45+01:00

Blast Off!


Class 3 designed and launched their own rockets as part of their Space Topic. They went incredibly high with 2 landing on playgroup's roof, 6 in the wheatfield and one in an oak tree! [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Blast Off!2022-08-18T13:27:20+01:00
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