

Tricky word hunt!


For our Literacy today, we were practising our tricky words. We dotted the words around the class (and house) and we tried to see how many we could find. When we found them, we had to read them and then write them on a whiteboard, paper or even the sand at the beach!! cof

Tricky word hunt!2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

Which material works best for a house?


This afternoon we were testing materials to see which would be the best for building a house. We made our first house out of sugar cubes...but then we watched them dissolve when it rained! Next, we tried cotton wool...but it only absorbed the water. We decided the best material was the bricks as it was the only one that kept [...]

Which material works best for a house?2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

Class 4 projects and anti-bullying week


Class 4 have clearly worked so hard at home and have really WOWed us with their incredible projects! We've also been thinking about anti-bullying week and have created a class jigsaw, showing the parts that we can each play to help prevent bullying. It's not quite finished yet, but we think it is brilliant!

Class 4 projects and anti-bullying week2022-08-18T13:27:03+01:00

Our Disgusting Sandwiches!


We have been reading a book called "The Disgusting Sandwich" which is great fun about a badger and a sandwich which gets more and more disgusting as the story unfolds. We then had a very messy but exciting time making our own disgusting sandwiches with leaves, twigs, mud, feathers and even the odd insect. Yuck!!! We used this to write [...]

Our Disgusting Sandwiches!2022-08-18T13:27:03+01:00

Children in Need Day 2020


We are so thankful for what we have and have had a wonderful day together. Here's a snapshot of our day... we are so lucky to have each other, our school and our fantastic families and friends. (Click the link for Class 4 and turn up your volume!).

Children in Need Day 20202020-11-13T17:06:01+00:00

Class 4 Ancient Greek Day!


We've had an absolutely fantastic day in Class 4! We've learnt all about Ancient Greece; some of our favourite topics were cracking secret codes, games, stories, fashion and (of course) the weapons!

Class 4 Ancient Greek Day!2022-08-18T13:27:03+01:00

First week in EYFS!


We have had a super first week in our new EYFS unit! We are all amazed at how well the new children have settled in their new space. We have been following the story, 'The Colour Monster' - this has allowed us to talk lots about our feelings and different emotions. We even had our own 'calming session' with a [...]

First week in EYFS!2020-09-11T14:52:19+01:00
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