

Kingsacre Football Tournament


The boys had a wonderful day at Kingsacre football festival today, they showed brilliant sportsmanship and class 3 came back with 3rd place over all in their age group. Well done Boys, you all represented the school beautifully and should be really proud. Thnak you to everyone who helped make it happen, espically our wonderful football coaches!

Kingsacre Football Tournament2023-03-23T16:58:35+00:00

Asking for donations!


  Our Early Years are on the hunt for some new resources for their provision. We are in need of; Small and large tyres Guttering/tubes Cable reels Milk trays Cushions Pallets Conkers / acorns / fur cones / pebbles /shells Log slices Wooden curtain rings Old pots and pans Wooden pegs Planks of wood for construction   If you're able [...]

Asking for donations!2022-09-29T13:55:40+01:00

First day photos!


An exciting couple of mornings in class 1...even featuring a rescued moth!

First day photos!2022-09-07T15:45:56+01:00

Putsborough Beach Day!


We had a fantastic day last week for our Putsborough beach trip. Picnic, icecream and sandcastles...what more could we want?!

Putsborough Beach Day!2022-07-04T18:01:02+01:00

Sleepover update!


We've had pizza, talent shows and our annual teddy bear competition! We even had a special birthday to celebrate too! We're all happy, tired and tucked up in bed. I think the Putsborough walk did a fab job at tiring them out today! :-)

Sleepover update!2022-06-30T21:48:21+01:00

Infant Music Festival


After a slight hiccup, Class 2 arrived at the Infant Music Festival in Braunton. We were first up with our song "Number Bus" in front of hundreds of people! The children were amazing and sang so loudly despite being the smallest school there. Our two soloists did a fantastic job in front of everyone! It was lovely listening to the [...]

Infant Music Festival2022-08-18T13:26:52+01:00

We’re going on a ‘spring hunt’….


We've made full use of this beautiful Spring weather. Yesterday, we started talking about the changes that happen between Winter and Spring. We went on a little walk around the school grounds and did our own 'spring hunt'. We found; birds, flowers, seedlings, leaves and ladybirds! We sat down on the grass and talked about the different things we could [...]

We’re going on a ‘spring hunt’….2022-03-29T16:39:05+01:00

Class 2 Storm Watermouth Castle


Class 2 had a fantastic day out exploring Watermouth Castle. We saw towers, battlements, arrow slots and flags as well as how a kitchen would have been in a grand castle. In the castle we found the doll’s house made by Keri’s gran (our school cook). All the children had so much fun on all the rides and we were [...]

Class 2 Storm Watermouth Castle2022-08-18T13:26:56+01:00
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