Policies, Information and Useful Links
On this page you will find links to policies which help you understand how we approach key aspects of school life, information about how we utilise some of the funding provided by the government to improve the outcomes for our children and links to other websites that provide further information about our school. To access each document or link just click on the title.
We are a school in the Ventrus Multi Academy Trust. To access policies within the trust, please click on the link below:
Admissions policy for 2026-27: Annual Consultation
Along with all other schools and academies in Devon, we are consulting on an admission policy for 2026-27. The Local Authority is also consulting on its admission arrangements. You are invited to look at the proposals and have your say. Our proposed policy is on our admission page ( Policies – Georgeham Primary School) and you can see all policies at http://devon.cc/schoolpolicy . Further information is here: www.devon.gov.uk/admissionarrangements
 The formal consultation runs until 10th January 2025. Policies will be determined on 29th January 2025 and published in the same places by 15th March 2025.