Welcome from the Governors of Georgeham Primary!

The school’s governors are all volunteers who provide support to the team and hold a statutory responsibility on behalf of the Department of Education to ensure that:

  1. The school has a clear vision, ethos and strategy:  this includes setting priorities for improvement and monitoring how the school is progressing.
  2. That the Head Teacher is held to account for the educational performance of the school
  3. The school manages its finances well so that it’s money is well spent

Alongside these core responsibilities we have a duty to ensure that Safeguarding is paramount in all that we do and that our work and that of the school has due regard to matters of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, as laid out in the duties of the Equalities Act 2010.

We don’t get involved in the day to day running of the school.  Our role is strategic (big picture) rather than operational (the day to day activities and decisions at school which are the remit of the Head Teacher and school staff).  We aim to have 11 governors on our board, representing different stakeholders in the community.  Our Governors include parents, staff at the school, governors who represent our Church distinctiveness and members of the local community.

We have a broad range of skills.  Some have worked in education before but this is not a prerequisite, what’s most important is an interest in education and a willingness to ask questions.  Our current team includes:  a retired prison and Children’s Hospice Chaplain, two ex head teachers, business owners,  a business consultant and a strategic lead at a well known charity running foodbanks across the UK.   Check out our Meet the Governors page to see who we are.


We meet half termly to review school progress in specific areas (such as Curriculum, Safeguarding, Finance…) and at least termly we come together as a Full Governing Board.  Our minutes are part of the public record and can be accessed on the Minutes page of this website (prior minutes are available upon request to the Clerk of Governors).  Full Governing Board meetings are open to the public.  You can see our attendance record and learn more about any individual interests that may be relevant to school governance on our Governor’s Register page.  As part of our commitment to ensure best practice in all that we do, we undertake regular self evaluation of our activities, including a review of any skills or training gaps on the governing body.  We also seek the views of parents, pupils and staff – we hold Pupil Voice activities in school, send out an annual parent survey and a regular staff survey.

If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors or are interested in becoming a governor you can contact us via the School Office or by email:  chairofgovernors@georgeham-primary.devon.sch.uk.