Georgeham Church of England (VC) Primary School Consultation on the Transfer from Governor Run Preschool Provision to a Foundation Stage Unit and Accompanying Change of Age Range for the School

The governing board of Georgeham Church of England (VS) Primary School is proposing to transfer the existing Governor Run Preschool provision into a Foundation Stage Unit and increase the age range of the school from 4-11 years to 2-11 years of age with effect September 2023.


The school has early years places that are currently run as a Governor Run Preschool. The preschool is situated within the existing school grounds.  It is open to 2 – 4-year-olds during term times from Monday to Friday.

This proposal is that the preschool should become part of the school, forming a Foundation Unit with our reception children, rather than operating as an extended service. This will allow for greater flexibility with staffing and resourcing as all  the  finances for the school and  preschool will be managed together rather than separately as we are required to do now. This will ensure stability of the early years provision in the long term.

The school’s published admission number into the reception class will still be 15.  There will also be no change in relation to the number of early years places offered. Parents and children should experience very little change to the service they receive as the team in the Governor Run preschool have worked closely with the school’s EYFS Lead/Reception teacher for many years.

Sessions for 2-year-olds will continue to be offered as part of the new FSU unit however in the first instance we will offer sessions for 2-2.5-year-olds on specific days of the week, with additional staffing to support our very youngest pupils.  If the proposal is approved by the Governing Board, following this consultation, the preschool will become a Foundation Unit, joining with the reception children, and children in the preschool will be registered on the school’s roll. Parents will still need to make a separate application to Devon County Council for a place in reception. As a Foundation Unit there must be a qualified teacher and a level 3 qualified early years worker leading the learning. Each day, the unit will be staffed by a Qualified Teacher and up to 2 other members of staff.

We have a wonderful EYFS space with a Reception classroom that can be adapted to welcome 2-year olds, an extensive covered outdoor area and an adapted garden and forest school space that can provide opportunities for an enriched curriculum experience for all children from 2 to 5 years.  Our EYFS curriculum focuses on ‘stage not age’ which means that we can support children with tailored opportunities to progress and develop at the pace they require.  Our current preschool building can be utilised as a space for stay and play sessions or toddler groups as well as providing additional intervention and thrive spaces for pupils across the school.

The main benefits of this proposal:

  • A single budget providing flexibility and improved sustainability into the future.
  • An opportunity to create a single Early Years Foundation Stage team providing a high-quality curriculum to all early years pupils from 2 – 5 years.
  • Guarantee of teacher led provision, alongside a highly qualified Early Years team.
  • Free school meals for eligible preschool children.
  • No capital funding will be required by the school to implement this proposal. It will not affect the capacity of the school and does not put pressure on existing classroom spaces.
  • One administrative and accounting system which will relieve pressure on school staff.
  • Opportunities to welcome families into the school through the provision of a community space for toddler groups or stay and play sessions in the former preschool building.

The proposed indicative timetable is as follows:

  • 4-week Consultation Period: 7th June 2023 to 7th July 2023
  • EYFS Parent Meeting:  15th June 2023, 6pm, an opportunity for parents of children in the EYFS phase (including the new Reception cohort for 2023/24) to meet with the Early Years Lead/Reception Teacher and the Head Teacher to discuss the plans for September 2023
  • Governing Board meeting: The Governing Board will meet on Monday 10th July 2023 to consider the consultation responses and whether to implement this proposal.  We will respond to and answer any parent questions and post standard answers to any questions raised on our school website. If it is agreed that the proposal will be implemented, then the proposed change would take effect as of  the new academic year, September 2023.


Please respond to the consultation by 7th July 2023:

In writing:
Mr J Thomas
Head Teacher
Georgeham Church of England (VC) Primary School
Putsborough Road
EX33 1JT

Or by emailing:


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