Mr Thomas

Home/Mr Thomas

Friday update…


Dear parents, carers and wider community, I hope you’re all keeping safe and well. It was lovely to hear the clapping and cheers last night, for the NHS workers.  They’re doing a great job being right at the front of the front-line! What’s the message about the lock-down? Stay in… only leaving for certain reasons: Shopping for basic necessities, and [...]

Friday update…2022-08-18T13:27:04+01:00

Tuesday assembly with Mr Thomas…


Hope everyone's been ok today.  Fancy a story?  -CLICK HERE- You do not need to 'join' the conversation... but it'll take you to my shared folder where you also have access to yesterday morning's welcome and today's 'assembly' too.   Tomorrow... is singing assembly. I've done some work at school (yes, important, necessary, vital and critical) and have come back to [...]

Tuesday assembly with Mr Thomas…2022-08-18T13:27:05+01:00

Year 5&6 Coordinates…


We reminded ourselves what coordinates were in our Booster Session this morning, but also how they develop through the years at school so that, by the time that children get to year 6, we're working out complex 4-figure coordinates in all four quadrants! Our whiteboard scribbles and worksheets mean almost nothing unless you were part of the session itself or [...]

Year 5&6 Coordinates…2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00

Pancake Races… AKA ‘What’s “Shrove” mean again??’


Today, we managed to get out and run across the playground with tortillas wraps on frying pans, to lots and lots of cheers and applause from the rest of the school. I bet this was SO confusing for our Preschoolers who came to watch!! Keri also made a whole load of pancakes for school lunches and they had a couple [...]

Pancake Races… AKA ‘What’s “Shrove” mean again??’2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00



Year 5 & 6 are off to a good start, beginning, day one. They've commenced, and even looked at dictionaries, thesauri/ thesauruses and also explored the etymology (history / origin) of words! They really are a great bunch. They're brilliant, lovely, marvelous, the best, wonderful, fantastic... Enormous?... Colossal?... Famous?... (Mmm, thesaurus and dictionary work again next week!)


Inspired Playgrounds…


Most children were involved in lots of activity and games on our new playground markings today. Apart from being Martha's Dad, Ben Cox is the lead coach for 'Inspired Playgrounds' and he came in to help us all with an additional free session. Ben led the children in some playground sessions, helped explain how to use the markings to our [...]

Inspired Playgrounds…2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00

We also do first aid…


Tonight is the school's second and final session on first aid training, with Liz Greenway from Abbeymead Safety Training. We're again, going to be trained up for a further three years - pretty much all our staff, including our football coach parents. Personally, I've possibly had up to 30 years of continuously being first aid trained, and I've got to [...]

We also do first aid…2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00

Willow structures…


I wonder what the children will think of the willow structures that started to get woven together yesterday, up in the Forest Village? Thanks to Holly, Ted, Mandy, Mark and Pete for spending time in the cold, up behind Stepping Stones. The whole place is coming along beautifully! :-)

Willow structures…2020-02-04T06:14:23+00:00

Gliddon and Squire X Country League Round 5 – aka ‘The MUDDY one’


Georgeham's team of intrepid cross country runners were reduced in size but not in gusto this weekend with Martha, Jet and Presley flying the flag for the school team in the U11 and U9 races.  The event was the first of the year and the 5th in the season and took place at Shebbear College (in the middle of nowhere [...]

Gliddon and Squire X Country League Round 5 – aka ‘The MUDDY one’2020-01-13T14:57:19+00:00
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