Class 4

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London Day 1


Technologically challenged for the next four days. Titchy internet allowance on my phone, no 3G on the iPad and limited WiFi hot spots as we troop from one place to the next! Maybe at McDonald's later tonight I can get this to send? Left Barnstaple with more tears on the platform (none on the train sorry) and so started the, [...]

London Day 12022-08-18T13:27:24+01:00

SATS are over…party time!


Class 4 have worked hard all week on their tests and we decided to have a party to celebrate all of the effort that everyone has put it. The class brought in contributions of food to share with each other and it was lovely to hear children complimenting each other on their had a very 'Great British Bake Off' [...]

SATS are over…party time!2015-05-15T19:02:04+01:00

The Great Class 4 Car Race begins…


Class 4 started their DT project on vehicles this week with a challenge: can you make a vehicle that will carry a passenger safely down a ramp? They had just 45 minutes to design and build their vehicle from scratch! Every group succeeded in keeping their passenger safe, and the winning vehicle travelled an impressive 3.8 metres! [...]

The Great Class 4 Car Race begins…2015-05-08T12:48:43+01:00

Beaford Arts veggie Workshop…


Beaford Arts came in to school with Tortoise and Hare's friends today and even handed out invites to Hare's birthday party at the village hall this weekend.  We did some character making, storytelling, juicing and painting too - it was fun!  I've heard the burrow under the village hall is going to be exposed over the weekend so Hare can share [...]

Beaford Arts veggie Workshop…2022-08-18T13:27:24+01:00

What percentage…?


Well done Ella; I just love the method you've got for working out percentages of an amount. This was quite a tricky one to work out! I wonder if anyone could pose another similar question on the comments below?

What percentage…?2022-08-18T13:27:24+01:00

Class 4 STOMP…


Miss Patterson worked with class 4 in their topic of recycling with a STOMP style of music. Children brought in their musical instruments (we cleaned out the milk bottles) and then we banged them a lot. I should know; my office is right next door! However after a few weeks of experimenting and seeing what they could do with the [...]

Class 4 STOMP…2015-03-19T19:59:49+00:00

Funny for Money in Class 4


In class 4 we decided to have a Red Nose Day theme to our learning today as our farm visit was rained off. We started off the day by thinking about what Comic Relief is all about and made our faces 'funny for money'....the theme of the event this year. Some of the faces were quite funny without masks [...]

Funny for Money in Class 42015-03-13T21:37:58+00:00

Class 4 visit the Eden Project!


It was a very early start (well done to everyone for getting there well before time!) but the children all seemed suitably impressed when the Biomes of The Eden Project came into view. After dropping our things in The Core we went to see the WEEE Man (a giant sculpture made out of electrical waste) and then onto [...]

Class 4 visit the Eden Project!2022-08-18T13:27:24+01:00

What can we see?


Class 4 have been finding out how we see things and today we our own made periscopes. A periscope allows us to see over walls or round corners :-) Beau B did a fantastic job in assembly by explaining that periscopes work by light hitting the mirror of the periscope being reflected twice at a 45 degrees angle. "I can't believe it [...]

What can we see?2022-08-18T13:27:24+01:00

Class 4 recycled projects


Class 4 did recycled items for their projects. I had the pleasure of seeing three of them this morning. Carpet tiles and corner yogurts and a shreddies box... all made Daisy's recycled house. Including a bean bag from her old socks! "I really liked how you've gone to different places to collect things for it!" said Thomas "It's epic!" said [...]

Class 4 recycled projects2015-02-26T11:26:23+00:00
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