Year Two Sleepover!
teacher teacher2017-06-23T12:22:41+01:00A big well done to Year 2 for an excellent sleepover! Enjoy the photos!
A big well done to Year 2 for an excellent sleepover! Enjoy the photos!
We had an excellent day today, walking from Lee Bridge, down to Lee and then on to Bennett's Mouth and up to Mortehoe - just under four and a half miles! The weather made it a perfect day to appreciate our local environment. The hedgerows, woods and meadows were teaming with flowers; it was stunning! We had fun following the [...]
Class 1 are getting very confident with their number bonds to 10 with the help of Farmer Pete! We performed our wonderful number bonds song to Stepping Stones with the help of Henry's Daddy Martin, who morphed into our very own Farmer Pete who kept losing his sheep! Thank you Martin for your bravery!!
Well done everyone who took part at Kingsacre today. The netballers did well - lost one, won one, drew two - and narrowly missed going through to the play offs. The footballers all came back with a medal - third place for the older team, second place for the younger team. Big thanks to everyone for their support and special [...]
What a treat, 3 members of Class 2 and one from Class 3 gave us an impromptu guitar recital this afternoon to show off how much they have been learning.We recognised the two famous tunes, but two of the children had composed their own. Well done everyone, we were very impressed!
We had great fun yesterday making Anzac Biscuits. Hopefully you got to taste them - they were delicious!The children should be able to give you precise instructions on how to make them!
Class 2 investigated which materials were waterproof. We worked as a TEAM (together, everyone achieves more) to conduct a 'fair' test on tissue paper, fabric, paper and plastic to decide which material would be the best to make an umbrella.Lots of discussion took place:"I have noticed with the fabric that the water doesn't soak in straight away, you have to [...]
Classes 1 & 2 had such a brilliant morning with Ranger Russ. He told us all about the various animals he brought with him and linked them to our topic of Australia.We thought some of the names of the creatures were very funny, including Doris the Sand Boa (named after his Mother in Law) and others were named after friends [...]
Classes 1 & 2 all took part in an Australian Day. We had a round-robin of activities such as Australian music, Aboriginal art, Australian slang literacy and building of the Sydney Harbour Bridge!Each child had their own favourite session, some loving being a kangaroo (including Mrs Turner), others preferring being an Architect!We remembered so many things that our visitors taught us [...]
G'day! The 'ankle biters' in Classes 1 & 2 have been so lucky to have so many brilliant visitors coming in to talk to us about Australia. Isla from Class 4, tried to out-do her dad by continuing the Luhr tour of 'Down Under'! She did an absolutely amazing job with her prepared Powerpoint and table of Australian toys, information [...]