Welcome to our website.

Small School, Huge Horizons is a perfect description for our school; one that recognises that we are small enough for every child to feel nurtured and confident, yet big enough in ambition to enable each and every child to grow and flourish. We aim to make sure each child lives their lives to the fullest, and have six values that underpin our learning…

We are Kind – We are Curious – We are Confident – We are Adventurous – We are Ambitious – We are a community

Built in 1868, the school has been serving the communities of Georgeham and Croyde for just over 150 years now. We have 85 children on roll and offer provision from 2yrs+ in our new EYFS unit, through four mixed age classes to the end of KS2.

We’re really proud that we were the UK’s first Plastic Free School – an award given to us by the charity Surfers Against Sewage. Our School Councillors did a huge amount of work to almost completely eliminate the use of single-use plastic at school. They also helped to encourage Devon County Council to massively reduce the use of single-use plastics at County Hall and the work that they do in Devon. We continue to support other schools to be environmentally aware after featuring in the news and radio, many of the national newspapers and even being mentioned by the Education Minister!

Georgeham really is a special place and our school is at the heart of the community we serve. We have strong links with our parish church, a guardianship with the National Trust, and we make the most of our stunning setting from curriculum trips to Braunton Burrows, Baggy Point and our local beaches, to our Wednesday morning cross country club runs around the village. We aim to offer children a wide range of opportunities and experiences to inspire and support them to become confident independent learners ready to take the next step in their learning journey.


Georgeham CofE Primary School, which became an academy in 2024, is a member of Ventrus. The Trust comprises fifteen primary schools and one secondary school across Devon, whose aim is to deliver excellence in education through collaborative working and mutual accountability.

Each of the schools has its own Headteacher and these school leaders work closely together to ensure that we deliver a curriculum which meets the needs of all pupils and that opportunities for our pupils are broad and challenging.

In addition, there is an Executive Leadership team for the Trust as a whole, which comprises the CEO of the Trust, Mr Gary Chown, four Executive Headteachers, Head of HR and a Head of Finance. The Executive team oversees and supports school improvement for all sixteen schools.

Staff and governors of our school benefit hugely from working within a family of schools. The Trust operates ‘Best Practice Networks’ in a variety of subjects, aspects and phases within Primary Education. The opportunity to work in partnership to shape and develop one’s own practice, and the practice of others, has a profound effect on the quality of education that we are able to provide at Orchard Vale.

For the children in VENTRUS schools, there are regular opportunities to work and play with children from all of the schools. Whether it be on a Gifted and Talented day for mathematicians, or a musical event or in the sporting arena, our pupils benefit from the expertise and enthusiasm of a large group of talented and skilled teachers and assistants.

To know more about our academy trust, please visit their website www.ventrus.org.uk

We hope you enjoy exploring our school website!

Mr Kevin Fry – Headteacher