Dear Parents and Carers,
Another brilliant week of learning at our school – we were lucky to be joined by some of our governors where we explored maths across the school. It was a pleasure to see our children learning so well and talk confidently about their maths understanding.
This week, our children have been learning about:
Class 1 – “We have been learning about pairs of numbers” (Roxy)
Class 2- “We have been doing some amazing fish art whilst exploring shading and colour” (Rosamund)
Class 3 – “In English, we have been creating our own Roman stories whilst coming up with our own character” (Oscar C)
Class 4 – “”In English, we have been looking at the features of persuasive writing and underlining words to find them in the dictionary. It was really fun!” (Violet)
Congratulations to the class stars of the week:
Class 1 – Roxy
Class 2 – Cicely
Class 3 – Eli
Class 4 – Vinny
A massive well done to EYFS, Year 1 and Year 3 for having the best attendance of the week (100%). I am staggered by the attendance this term. Currently, our whole school attendance is 97% (the national average is 95.4%).
If you haven’t done so already, please make sure that you have booked a parent/carer slot with your child’s class teacher next week. This is a great opportunity to talk about how well your child has started the year and how they have progressed. It will also be a valuable opportunity to ask any questions that you may have.
From next (half) term, we have two football clubs on offer. A huge thank you to Ian Blake, Dan Craddock, Wayne Coughlin and Rob Whitney who have volunteered their time to coach the children.
Mondays (3:30pm – 4:30pm) – Years 5 and 6 coached by Ian and Rob
Wednesdays (3:30pm – 4:30pm) – Years 3 and 4 coached by Dan and Wayne
A gentle reminder that Friday 25th October is an Inset day – the last day of term for the children will be Thursday 24th October.
Finally, a massive well done to all the children who represented Georgeham in the Stephen Shield today! A popular event steeped in history (I remember it fondly growing up) where 23 of our children competed in perfect Cross country weather 😉 Go Georgeham Go!
Have a great weekend everyone. Stay safe and thank you again for your continued support.
Kind regards,  Mr Kevin Fry


We are coming to then end of using SCOPAY – please ensure you log on today and settle your balances for all listed items on account – dinners/trips and events/preschool fees / or extended care (ie BC or ASC also previously known as Jumpers.
Apologies as I have just noticed that all trips logged on SCOPAY had an end date of 31st July (as they should have been paid off by the end of the summer term!). The ‘end date’ has now been extended to allow any historical costs to show on your accounts again, please do check. Thank you.
A letter will be sent giving details of how to register your payment details into the new system which we will switch to on 3rd November.
You will also be asked to check all information we hold on your children’s account and to email in any changes that need to be made (parent(s) mobile(s)/email(s) / home address / emergency contact (if different) / name address and phone of any other authorised persons you allow to collect or to call in emergency / name and address of doctor / medical consent (for anything serious) and any dietary requirements) .
Lottie Hare, Administrator.

Half term activities

Braunton Countryside Centre Festival of Nature event Saturday 26th October 10-4pm
Braunton Countryside Centre is excited be organising this fun family friendly event to showcase the work we do and help get people excited about nature and wildlife.
We are thrilled to have a special visit from Exmoor Zoo with a ‘Celebration of the Little Things in Your Garden’. Join them for a delve into the world of bugs and beasties, seeing real life examples and hearing about how insects are vital for our planet and gardens. We will be having workshops at 10am, 11am and 2pm and they are £4 per person. Booking is essential for each person attending other than under 1’s who are free. Please book for this workshop via our website. Festival of Nature – Braunton Countryside Centre
We will also be having an interesting series of 6 short talks from enthusiastic volunteers and walks starting from the Countryside Centre at various times throughout the day. None of these activities/walks require booking and are free walks. Please turn up 10mins before the allotted start time and make yourself known to a event organiser or volunteer.
We look forward to celebrating nature with you!
Remember… please book a time slot for the Exmoor Zoo workshop. Spaces are limited. Book via our website.


Operation Christmas Child  !

All children were given a leaflet containing gift ideas for decorating and packing a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child. (including a label to cut out and stick on the box). There is information on how to purchase a flatpack box if you don’t have an empty shoe box to hand, or you can even build a box online (choose items from their selection, write your own message and it will be packed for you).
Flat packed boxes are available to purchase from St Georges Church (not here at school) if you want to purchase one from there.

It is a fun half term activity to find some Christmas wrapping paper, any must be good condition toys or card games not played with anymore, or pop an extra toothbrush or stationary items in your shopping basket…)

Collection is from school on Monday 11th November, but do drop them into school anytime so we can build a pile.  It may even inspire Ms Trute to start to get out the Christmas decorations (ha !)

Royal British Legion Poppy appeal – In Remembrance.

This year Remembrance Sunday is 10th November.
We have a selection of poppy products in school should your child wish to actively support and visually Remember. It sparks some great conversation amongst the  Unfortunately most of the products are not suitable for having/wearing in school so we would have to ask that you do not let children wear or have them even in their bags (temptation !) during school time.

There are paper poppies, a colourful sticker, decorated slap bands, reflective poppies (great on a coat zip or to attach to a school bag ) or an adjustable wrist bracelet.

The paper Poppy will attach with a sticker (no pins allowed) however I can see that these will not stay on and will get lost/torn very quickly so may I suggest these (and stickers) are best purchased on Friday 8th November in time for Remembrance Sunday 10th.  It would be lovely to see as many children as possible wearing one in celebration assembly that day  (I have 70 paper poppies, we have 71 school aged children).  I will stand in the playground with the box that morning….

Suggested donations:
£2 for a slap band,
£1.50 for a reflective poppy or an adjustable wrist bracelet
£1 paper Poppies
50p  sticker

All items CASH only.

Flu immunisation

Any parents who missed the school immunisation and still wish their child to have the flu vaccine please call  01392 342 678 for information on how toto book into a community clinic over half term.
Hannah Notman, Administrator, Cornwall and Devon School Age Immunisation Service. Kernow Health CIC, 1st Floor Cudmore House, Oak Lane, Truro  TR1 3LP Tel:  01392 342678  Email:


PIANO: If you would like to try PIANO LESSONS – please contact  Places on a Thursday or Friday still available – FIRST LESSON FREE.



There are a few more spaces for guitar and singing lessons taking place within the school day. This is a wonderful experience for the children, boosting confidence and broadening horizons! If your child is interested, please contact Sarah Cox on First come first serve basis.
Also new, is a French Club for beginners, which will be held on Thursdays after school, from 3.15-4pm. Again, contact Sarah on the above email, to let her know your interest.

Panto surprise Fri 13th Dec.

The FROGS Christmas present to the school this year is a trip to see Beauty and the Beast at the Barnstaple theatre !
This is just a sneaky heads up in case you were thinking of booking it too.

  • Packed lunches only for all KS2 because we need to leave early so the kitchen cannot operate as usual.
  • KS1 (Rec, Yr1 & Yr2) will be provided for, but should you wish to provide your own we will need to know 2 weeks before so we have correct numbers for catering. (An MS form will be sent out by email for you to opt in or out of a school packed lunch)
  • We will bus them there, but will need you to collect them from Barnstaple afterwards. (will let you know of a safe place for that to happen, more than likely NOT outside the theatre).
  • R to Yr6 only
  • Preschool will be closed from 11.30am.  sorry little ones, it was felt they were just too young for us to take too. (They will party too, in other ways on other days, for sure 😉 Usual Friday attendees may come in for the first part of the day, or not at all. Just let us know what you would like to do.

 Diary Dates :

click here  for the school calendar which can be found at the bottom of the website home page.

Please take note of our term dates for 2025-26  G’Ham term dates 25-26 pdf

Mon 21 (C2 only) Tues 22nd & Wed 23rd October – parents evening – all classes. 3.30 to 6pm – sign up via the Google form.

Wed 23rd October – Romans workshop for Class 3 – in the school hall, get your costumes ready !

Friday 25th October – school closed for the staff VENTRUS INSET DAY

Thurs 7th Nov – Netball High 5 (Ms McCormick will communicate)

Thurs 14th Nov – Tag rugby festival yrs 5&6 (tbc)

Mon 25th Nov – Basketball, am only, Braunton Academy (tbc)

Mon 2nd Dec – Danceathon, whole school.

Mon 9th Dec – year 3&4 Volleyball Festival, am only, Braunton Academy (tbc)

Tuesday 10th December – Robin Hood Production. Afternoon and evening performances. GHM village Hall.

Thurs 12th Dec – Children in Need Charity Christmas Jumper day

Fri 13th Dec – whole school to Panto in Barnstaple. Packed lunch please. Pick up from Barnstaple. details on that nearer the time.
Fri 13th Dec – preschool closed.

Wed 18th Dec – Christmas lunch day – the whole school will lunch together (no packed lunches) and the staff will serve !

Fri 20th Dec – Basketball yr 5 ?  – afternoon event- pick up from Braunton Academy. (Ms McCormick will communicate)

G’Ham term dates 25-26 pdf

The school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Kevin Fry
Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are  Emma Hill and Lucy Rinvolucri
Our SENCo is Mrs Lucy Rinvolucri.
Make contact with us via

If you have any concerns that you’d like to discuss, please call through to Lottie and ask for an appointment.
You may also find some useful or helpful information on our Safeguarding webpage…

  • Attendance We report the attendance of individual year groups as it’s a really good way to see if school attendance is at a good percentage…  as high as possible of course! The DfE have a target of 96.5%
    Attending school regularly is vital to help children achieve and to give them the best possible start in life. It’s also the legal requirement of parents once children are of school age and enrolled in mainstream education. Ofsted has a strong view about attendance of course. Too many absences can lead into difficult discussions about how we can support children to achieve and do well – we could even be downgraded for our current Good status as a result.
    Absences will only be authorised if they meet exceptional circumstances. With only 190 statutory school days in the year, there are 175 days (weekends and school holidays) left to plan for family visits, non-urgent medical/dental appointments, holidays etc. School holidays are published well in advance and parents are expected to plan and take family holidays at this time so as not to disrupt their child’s education.
    Holidays… are almost always not recognised as meeting ‘exceptional circumstances’ and therefore an absence would be unauthorised. This could result in a penalty notice being issued by DCC.
    Punctuality is important too, and the earlier we get our children into the right habits, the better. You may not realise that being just 5 minutes late every day equals 3 days of school lost a year. Please bring your child for 8.45am when they door is open and the classroom has a learning activity ready for them.