Dear Parents and Carers,
What a fabulous week it has been – we have certainly been blessed with some fantastic learning and risk taking from our children. A massive well done to our two girl’s football teams who competed heroically at the annual football tournament at Kingsacre. All the children are a credit to our school. A big thank you to Phoebe Maguire who fundraised for Huntington’s Disease – I was staggered by the range of items on offer!
Thank you to those parents and carers who were able to come to the curriculum afternoon to see what your children have been learning about. I hope it provided a useful opportunity to see the school live and for your children to show you what they are most proud about. Next term, I will be hosting a parent/carer forum focussing on Knowledge Organisers and how to best support your child at home. If you haven’t already signed up for a parent/carer evening slot on Tuesday 22nd or Wednesday 23rd, please don’t forget to do so.
This morning, I had a delightful conservation with Mark from Crocodile Bakery who informed me about the generosity from the community. Thank you so much to those who made donations to pay for two bread loaves for breakfast club and/or those who would like a little extra breakfast.
This week, our children have been learning about……
Class 1: “We have been looking at different leaves and how they have changed colour due to Autumn” (Sophie)
Class 2: “In science, we have exploring seasonal changes” (Bryony)
Class 3: “In maths, we have been learning estimate and measure the length of different lines whilst being accurate” (Jesse)
Class 4: “We have been planning speeches to disagree with a decision that Mr Fry made to shorten our break and lunch times. We are glad that it was only a joke in order to inspire our writing and persuasiveness!” (Fin)
Well done to our Class Stars of the Week:
Class 1: Joey
Class 2: Cicely
Class 3: Ned K
Class 4: Ned M
Finally, a massive congratulations to the children in Class 1 and Year 5 for having the best attendance of the week (98.3%).
A gentle reminder that the last day of term for the children is on Thursday 24th October as there is an Inset day for staff on Friday 25th focussing on adaptive teaching and inclusivity.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Kind regards,

Mr Kevin Fry

Parents Evening – apologies

An email has been sent asking you to please re book your slots. The eliminator choice had not activated on the form, so the same time had been booked by quite a few of you. Apologies. The easiest way is to start again so please use this new link and book a new time.

Also, with apologies, Ms Boreham’s Tuesday has been cancelled and we will now be on Monday 21st, we have opened up all the same times on the Monday.
This message was also sent by email, please only do it once.

Flu immunisation.

Any parents who missed the consenting process and still wish their child to have the flu vaccine, please ask them to call us on 01392 342 678 and we will complete a consent form over the phone and refer them to book into one of our community clinics to be vaccinated.
Kind regards, Hannah
Hannah Notman, Administrator, Cornwall and Devon School Age Immunisation Service
Kernow Health CIC, 1st Floor Cudmore House, Oak Lane, Truro  TR1 3LP Tel:  01392 342678  Email:

PIANO: If you would like to try PIANO LESSONS – please contact  Places on a Thursday or Friday still available – FIRST LESSON FREE.

Shhhhhh, its a surprise.

our very own FROGS are very generously taking us all to see Beauty and the Beast at the Barnstaple theatre on Friday 13th December.
This is just a sneaky heads up in case you were thinking of booking it too.
The kitchen cannot operate as usual on that day as we will need to leave early, so it will be packed lunches for all KS2 please. (KS1 will be provided for, but if you wish to provide your own do let us know during the week before so we have correct numbers for catering)
We will bus them there, but will need you to collect them from Barnstaple afterwards. (We will arrange a safe place for that to happen and let you know).
Preschool will be closed that afternoon as this will be for R to Yr6 only, sorry preschool, it was felt they were just too young for us to take too. ( They will party too, in other ways for sure 😉 )

 Diary Dates :

click here  for the school calendar which can be found at the bottom of the website home page.

Please take note of our term dates for 2025-26  G’Ham term dates 25-26 pdf

Fri 18th Oct – Stephen Shield Cross Country Run – Torrington (for selected children, Ms McCormick to communicate, 8am bus, packed lunch required.)

Tues 22nd & Wed 23rd October – parents evening – all classes. 3.30 to 6pm – sign up via the Google form emailed to whole school on Wed 2nd Oct.

Tues 22nd – Indoor Athletics,  year 6, Braunton Academy, 4-6pm TBC

Wed 23rd October – Romans workshop for Class 3 – in the school hall, get your costumes ready !

Friday 25th October – school closed for the staff VENTRUS INSET DAY

Thurs 7th Nov – Netball High 5 (Ms McCormick will communicate)

Thurs 14th Nov – Tag rugby festival yrs 5&6 (tbc)

Mon 25th Nov – Basketball, am only, Braunton Academy (tbc)

Mon 2nd Dec – Danceathon, whole school.

Mon 9th Dec – year 3&4 Volleyball Festival, am only, Braunton Academy (tbc)

Tuesday 10th December – Robin Hood Production. Afternoon and evening performances. GHM village Hall.

Thurs 12th Dec – Children in Need Charity Christmas Jumper day

Wed 18th Dec – Christmas lunch day – this is when the whole school sits down for Christmas lunch together (no packed lunches) and the staff serve !

Fri 20th Dec – Basketball yr 5 – afternoon event- pick up from Braunton Academy. (Ms McCormick will communicate)

G’Ham term dates 25-26 pdf

The school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Kevin Fry
Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are  Emma Hill and Lucy Rinvolucri
Our SENCo is Mrs Lucy Rinvolucri.
Make contact with us via

If you have any concerns that you’d like to discuss, please call through to Lottie and ask for an appointment.
You may also find some useful or helpful information on our Safeguarding webpage…

  • Attendance We report the attendance of individual year groups as it’s a really good way to see if school attendance is at a good percentage…  as high as possible of course! The DfE have a target of 96.5%
    Attending school regularly is vital to help children achieve and to give them the best possible start in life. It’s also the legal requirement of parents once children are of school age and enrolled in mainstream education. Ofsted has a strong view about attendance of course. Too many absences can lead into difficult discussions about how we can support children to achieve and do well – we could even be downgraded for our current Good status as a result.
    Absences will only be authorised if they meet exceptional circumstances. With only 190 statutory school days in the year, there are 175 days (weekends and school holidays) left to plan for family visits, non-urgent medical/dental appointments, holidays etc. School holidays are published well in advance and parents are expected to plan and take family holidays at this time so as not to disrupt their child’s education.
    Holidays… are almost always not recognised as meeting ‘exceptional circumstances’ and therefore an absence would be unauthorised. This could result in a penalty notice being issued by DCC.
    Punctuality is important too, and the earlier we get our children into the right habits, the better. You may not realise that being just 5 minutes late every day equals 3 days of school lost a year. Please bring your child for 8.45am when they door is open and the classroom has a learning activity ready for them.