Monthly Archives: September 2024


NEWSLETTER w/ending Friday 13th September 2024 issue 621


Good morning Parents and Carers, I hope you all have had a good week so far. It has been a very settled week for us, with the children immersing themselves in their routines. This week, we welcomed Lucy Swift from the Child of Hope School, Uganda, to talk about what school life is like in an African country. The children [...]

NEWSLETTER w/ending Friday 13th September 2024 issue 6212024-09-13T12:55:12+01:00

NEWSLETTER w/ending Friday 9th September 2024 issue 620


Dear all - as its only been 2 days and we sent out a Welcome Back letter from Mr Fry there is no further communication  for this newsletter other than to clarify that the parents curriculum afternoon is at 2.30pm on Wed 9th October. Below are a few other notices we have been sent to pass on to parents, an [...]

NEWSLETTER w/ending Friday 9th September 2024 issue 6202024-09-06T16:43:24+01:00
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