Yearly Archives: 2021


DfE’s GCSE consultation…


We receive a daily email from the DfE and we share everything we can, as soon as we can with our parents.  Last night's email included information about a consultation about how GCSE and A levels should be awarded.  Do please share this with those you know in these year groups. Link: Consultation proposal Link: Consultation response  DfE email... Consultation [...]

DfE’s GCSE consultation…2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

Remote Learning surveys….


Thanks to the many of you who have emailed and passed on such positive comments so far... but we really want to check in with everyone and see if it's all going ok for you, and so we've created a survey for each of our four classrooms (links at the bottom).  They'd only take you 5 minutes for your child's [...]

Remote Learning surveys….2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

In Class 4, we collaborate!


This week we have begun our new topic: Our World. We’ve started by brushing up on our map-reading skills (as you will see, we are fabulous at this), looking at where we live and how climates differ according to where on Earth we are. We have independently researched and shared our learning with each other on our Google Classroom, and [...]

In Class 4, we collaborate!2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

Class 4’s new residents…


After many (many!) weeks of nagging by our lovely bigger children, here they are - a bunch of 10 pretty, if slightly eclectically-named, new class members. Meet... Attenborough Fluffy (!) Clive Mego Neo Coco Michael Simon Bobble Jimmy Right, who’s first to clean them out?!

Class 4’s new residents…2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

Friday 8th’s Celebration Assembly…


Here's our Celebration Assembly for this week. I'll place it into Google Classrooms in a mo, but I thought you'd like to see it via the blog too as you may miss it otherwise!  After all, it's a nice celebration of the week that we've had.  (Well done everyone!) Plus, it's only 7minutes long.            [...]

Friday 8th’s Celebration Assembly…2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

Some help sheets…


Our staff are working incredibly hard navigating through Google's full range of software so that they can provide work, but also work out how to show and explain for the children at school, as well as for those at home, the learning for the day.  We're 'sharing screens' and we're attempting to use two monitors so that we can see [...]

Some help sheets…2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

MrT’s Video Blog (vlog)…


I wanted to do this yesterday, but I was a bit busy!  I also wanted to do one for the children... I'll do so tomorrow! Here's a link to a video I've placed in a shared folder for you.  You don't need to join or like etc... just click the link and play.  (I don't waffle too much, honest!) Please [...]

MrT’s Video Blog (vlog)…2022-08-18T13:27:01+01:00

January lockdown details…


Thanks for being patient with us. We've done a huge amount of work today and have finally received guidelines from the DfE and are a little better prepared for the week. Schools aren't closed, and in fact they're open to many families.... Quite a worry when this is supposed to be a lockdown that limits movement and transmission rates of [...]

January lockdown details…2022-08-18T13:27:01+01:00

Monday update No.2


I can't quite believe the timing, and irony, of my last blog at 4pm saying that we're ready and looking forward to everyone coming back in.  What timing of this specific U-turn! We have now been tasked with something incredibly difficult to put in place, overnight, before our first day back. School will be open to children of Critical Workers [...]

Monday update No.22022-08-18T13:27:01+01:00

Welcome back!


Dear parents, Happy New Year to you all!  I hope you’ve been able to enjoy the festive period with your family and enjoyed time together.  It’s been a lovely break away from school but we’ve also been really busy of course, keeping up with all the updates and national changes! We’ve been successful over the past couple of school terms [...]

Welcome back!2022-08-18T13:27:02+01:00
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