Yearly Archives: 2021


Even Save The Spiders!


We were stormed by a huge swarm of horribly, large flies at lunchtime, and it inspired some to take drastic action! [Post Edit (thanks Matt)] Some jumped on, poked and splatted them, others started a chant to save them. Isla even wrote a persuasive poster - Save The Bugs... (and even save the spiders!) Save The Insects poster.pdfDownload [...]

Even Save The Spiders!2022-08-18T13:26:59+01:00

Place value basketball!


This week we've started learning our teen numbers. We've learnt a new number each day and played lots of different games and activities to represent the number in different ways. Today we played place value basketball, we started off with the game on topmarks ( where we learnt that the 1 at the start of the teen number is actually [...]

Place value basketball!2021-05-07T13:27:15+01:00

We’re going on a minibeast hunt!


We've started learning all about minibeasts! We've been looking at different types of minibeasts and the micro-habitats that they live in. We've been learning about different words such as 'predator' 'prey' 'camoflague.' Oscar demonstrated to us that his coat is camoflauged! He stood in front of a black display wall and we thought it would be tricky for a predator [...]

We’re going on a minibeast hunt!2021-05-07T13:55:33+01:00

Remembrance Tree…


This morning, several children from each school in the Braunton Learning Cooperative Trust went to the small green in the centre of Braunton to plant a tree and dedicate it to Captain Sir Tom Moore. The BLC Trust thought that this inspirational man and the duties he'd carried over his 99 years, represented so much of our own individual schools' [...]

Remembrance Tree…2021-04-22T14:20:26+01:00

Welcome back!


Everything's been so busy on our return - we wanted to blog yesterday but we've just had so much to do! Our return has of course been made so much more pleasant with the weather.  We were talking in our (two) staffrooms that the children have settled in really well, and have really enjoyed playing on the field with their [...]

Welcome back!2022-08-18T13:26:59+01:00

EYFS Forest Village, part3.


It seems like ages since we've been in the Forest Village area to do any work, and even though we've most probably done parts 3, 4, and part 5 already, today seemed like the first time we've been back since we had the builders in. Since last summer, we've had a 20 foot square canopy erected over the artificial turf [...]

EYFS Forest Village, part3.2021-04-06T17:04:18+01:00

Contact tracing over the Easter holidays…


The DfE have asked that children and parents (and staff) get in touch with us if symptoms start, or there's a positive case of Coronavirus, within two days of being at school. That's Friday and Saturday for symptoms, and a positive result that could possibly be returned as late Wednesday, that you contact us please... at We would then [...]

Contact tracing over the Easter holidays…2022-08-18T13:26:59+01:00

School Lunches treats…


Keri has made cupcakes for school lunches today and what with it being Easter, of course they HAD to be chocolate related and have eggs involved too! Darn it, I missed a trick... I brought in left-overs from last night! :-( Just to recap on chocolates, sweets and treats in school, we do share things at Easter and Christmas and [...]

School Lunches treats…2022-08-18T13:26:59+01:00

Do you have a question for The Big Bad Wolf?


We've been enjoying our Literacy work around The Three Little Pigs. We've started learning the story using actions and we've been making our own story-maps to help us retell it. Earlier in the week we came up with some questions that we would ask The Big Bad Wolf. Today, we had a go at 'hot-seating', which means that one of [...]

Do you have a question for The Big Bad Wolf?2022-08-18T13:26:59+01:00

The Big Bad Wolf!


This morning we had the chance to become detectives! We came into school to find a huge mess in our outdoor garden! There were bricks everywhere, police tape to cordon it off....and even some fur left behind! Who has been here?! We put our detective hats (and hi-vis jackets) on and became detectives. We investigated all the evidence and we [...]

The Big Bad Wolf!2022-08-18T13:26:59+01:00
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