It’s been in the diary for a while. Friday 14th June, the school will be empty! With a trip to Rosemoor planned for Class 1 & 2 and D-Day celebrations on Saunton beach for years 3 & 4. Naturally, that got us thinking. How can we make the most of such an opportunity?
We started the day by explaining to the children that we were going on a school adventure. To explore the school in its entirety. So this morning we wasted no time. Splitting into two groups we ventured into new realms. As you can see the children had a wonderful time enjoying the space and even got up to a little bit of mischief…afterall, whilst the headmaster is away…who wouldn’t! 😉
This was a really exciting adventure for Stepping Stones and really good for the children who will be starting in Reception in September. It’s great for them to have the opportunity to get used to new surroundings. We all had a lot of fun…Alas, it wasn’t until we were in the middle of our secret mission that we realised the D-Day at Saunton had been cancelled due to the weather…so we weren’t in fact alone in the school afterall! We’re hoping that if we don’t say anything nobody will have noticed! Shhhhhhh!!!
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