We have had a fantastic week back at Stepping Stones after the Easter break. With our new topic ‘Under the Sea’ we have have loads to talk about and explore.
At the beginning of the week we made play doh from scratch and the children absolutely loved this. We were very impressed at how they all sat and listened to the instructions that were given and how they all took it in turns to add ingredients and help mix it all together. By the end of the session we had a nice batch of green and pink, glittery play doh which the children used to make fish and mermaid tails.
We have been getting crafty making shiny silver fish and sparkly starfish to hang from the ceiling. We’ve been delighted to see how much the children enjoy seeing their work displayed in such a fun way as we draped them down from floaty fabric and “seaweed”. We look forward to turning the room into an ‘Under Sea’ experience over the next few weeks and are going to start turning the outdoor area into a fishing cave as well!
To support the sea theme we have had a sensory tray out all week with sea creatures and shells which have been moved into the water tray and rice tray. We have also experimented to see which objects float and which sink! This proved to be very popular as the children dashed around the room looking for things to test!
We have had sounds of the ocean playing throughout the day most days which has created a really calm atmosphere. We will be doing this more and more, as children arrive and at the end of the day, it seems music and different sounds is a great way to encourage children to discover more about the world and what is going on around us.
This week has been very creative. Next week we shall be carrying on the ‘Under the Sea’ theme but will be focussing more on Literacy and Mathematics…in fun and engaging way, of course! 🙂
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