

Practical multiplying in class one!


This week, the year 1's  have started looking at multiplication. We started looking at repeated addition and counting in groups of 2s, 5s and 10s. Today, we started building arrays to help us multiply! We took cones and some chalk outside, and began solving multiplication sentences. It was tricky at first, but by the end we all had 'double thumbs [...]

Practical multiplying in class one!2022-08-18T13:27:08+01:00

Investigating absorbent materials – Class 1


We've been looking at the different types of materials in Science. Today, we investigated which types of materials are absorbent and which are not. We talked about the types of materials we would use if we were going to mop up a spilled drink and which ones would not work. In our experiment we used; sponge, paper, cotton wool, plastic [...]

Investigating absorbent materials – Class 12022-08-18T13:27:09+01:00

Class 1 and 2 Pickwell Farm Trip


Classes 1 and 2 had a great morning out at Pickwell Barton. We walked over the back fields and met the farmer Andrew Cook and his son Peter, (both former pupils!) We saw the tiny barley crop with its roots and shoot coming from the seed. Walking across towards the farm we were rewarded with fantastic views towards Lundy overlooked [...]

Class 1 and 2 Pickwell Farm Trip2022-08-18T13:27:12+01:00

We’re going on a plant hunt!


We started our Science topic this afternoon - Plants! We started looking at 'wild plants' and tried to see how many we could name. We created a list of; dandelion, daisy, buttercup, clover, nettle, bramble, dog rose and ivy! We then got into pairs and searched the school grounds to see how many of our wild plants we could find! [...]

We’re going on a plant hunt!2022-08-18T13:27:13+01:00

We’re Going on a Seed Hunt!


Today Class 2 went on a seed hunt all around the school as part of our Science lesson and Topic. We're going on a seed hunt, What a beautiful day, We're so curious.... we found; Tall, hairy ones, spinning ones, spikey ones, pretty ones, giant ones and stinging ones! We were very impressed by the size of the [...]

We’re Going on a Seed Hunt!2018-09-07T17:51:14+01:00
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