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Our School Council… on food.


Our School Council meetings take place every month so that I can share my thoughts and make some decisions alongside representatives from every class.  They, in turn, read minutes back to the rest of their class and discuss the items we spoke about. For a while now, some of the year 6 children have made comments about portion sizes being [...]

Our School Council… on food.2020-02-10T20:54:56+00:00

Double Trouble!


This week we have started looking at multiplication. Reception have been learning how to double numbers! We've been using our doubling machine to help us. We also went outside and used different objects to show doubles, we each had a go at writing the number sentence to go with it. Year 1s have been building arrays. We started looking at [...]

Double Trouble!2020-02-07T16:09:05+00:00

Inspired Playgrounds…


Most children were involved in lots of activity and games on our new playground markings today. Apart from being Martha's Dad, Ben Cox is the lead coach for 'Inspired Playgrounds' and he came in to help us all with an additional free session. Ben led the children in some playground sessions, helped explain how to use the markings to our [...]

Inspired Playgrounds…2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00

We also do first aid…


Tonight is the school's second and final session on first aid training, with Liz Greenway from Abbeymead Safety Training. We're again, going to be trained up for a further three years - pretty much all our staff, including our football coach parents. Personally, I've possibly had up to 30 years of continuously being first aid trained, and I've got to [...]

We also do first aid…2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00

Playing in the Willow…


We know the Willow has a bit of growing to do before the houses, tunnel and discovery wall are complete. However, we couldn't resist taking the children up to the Forest Village today to show them. We are so glad that we did. The children were so excited about the new structures and it filled us with so much joy [...]

Playing in the Willow…2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00

Willow structures…


I wonder what the children will think of the willow structures that started to get woven together yesterday, up in the Forest Village? Thanks to Holly, Ted, Mandy, Mark and Pete for spending time in the cold, up behind Stepping Stones. The whole place is coming along beautifully! :-)

Willow structures…2020-02-04T06:14:23+00:00

Swimming Challenges…


A wonderful start to the week with lots of children setting themselves swimming challenges - how much or how far can they swim given an hour in the pool? Some children only challenged themselves to a small distance but this doesn't matter a jot - I was fortunate enough to follow one of these children doing only 4 lengths and [...]

Swimming Challenges…2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00

Which material works best as an umbrella?


In Science we have been learning about materials. We wanted to find out which materials were waterproof. We came up with an experiment to find the best material to use as an umbrella. We tested; paper, card, tissue, paper-towel, fabric and plastic. We each made our own predictions before we started. 'My prediction is that the cardboard is waterproof' 'My [...]

Which material works best as an umbrella?2020-01-27T16:52:15+00:00

Class 3 catch the train to Exeter museum…


Last Wednesday class 3 had an exciting day out when we caught the train to Exeter museum to take part in a series of workshops on our topic of Ancient Egypt. We learnt about the animals of Ancient Egypt, met the museum's own mummy Shep-an-Mut, played a traditional Ancient Egyptian game and even learnt how to mummify! We also had [...]

Class 3 catch the train to Exeter museum…2020-01-26T22:46:45+00:00

Class 1 actually go to SPACE!


Yesterday, Class 1 had a real life (virtual) trip to Space!! Thank you to Holly in Stepping Stones who brought in her virtual reality headset! We each had a go at using the headset and it was amazing to see all of the planets, stars and even some satellites! We then had a go at drawing our own 'Space observation' [...]

Class 1 actually go to SPACE!2020-01-16T16:48:57+00:00
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