

Max’s Big Camp Out – Sat 27th March


Max is a year 6 pupil at Caen Primary, and one I'm of really inspired by!  His friend told to him to have an adventure and wow, he did!! I'm inspired, because Max has been camping out in a tent in his back garden since the first pandemic Lockdown back in March 2020 all to support his friend and raise [...]

Max’s Big Camp Out – Sat 27th March2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

Upcycling for our Eco Cabin!


A lovely, sunny afternoon, so it was one more small step (literally - prepping the step!) for the Eco Cabin. The framework won't take long at all now, and the girls who designed it before Lockdown back in December will be really happy to see it develop further! We've plans for some more tasks around our grounds, and maybe a [...]

Upcycling for our Eco Cabin!2021-02-27T20:06:27+00:00

DIY (with lots of help!)


It was going to be a DIY and tidying up kind of day, but I ended up having lots of help! There was an awful lot of wood left over after the installation of the EYFS canopy and some of the year 5 and 6 children had thought about making an eco cabin out of it... so that's how it [...]

DIY (with lots of help!)2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

Crib On The Green…


Coming up to Christmas, we won't be able to gather and walk around the village to collect our Nativity Characters as in previous years. But Christmas will still happen, even if very differently, and we want to give this Nativity to our community to brighten up all our Christmases! It always thrills me, as Rector, how creative our families are [...]

Crib On The Green…2022-08-18T13:27:03+01:00

New and shiny things!!


It's so lovely when the sun's out and the children get to enjoy our outside environment fully. I think we've blogged a photo of the New Crinkle Crags Climber?  The photo that above shows last year's Yr6 who managed to get a good two weeks' worth of playing on it before they left us for the summer.  The Climber replaces [...]

New and shiny things!!2022-08-18T13:27:03+01:00



Don't forget, we're still collecting items for Harvest. Thank you to those that have brought items in so far. Any tins, packets or sachets from either the back of your cupboard, those that are surplus or something you buy on purpose for this... are all really appreciated, thank you! Produce will be taken to the local Food Bank by Rev. [...]


Newberry Road Footpath Project…


Crowd Funding Site Goes Live Today: (If you do nothing else, please “Like” it!) Hopefully you are aware that for the last two years one of our Governors, David Morton, has been helping progress a scheme proposed by another of our parents living on Longland Lane to construct a footpath along the edge of the Georgeham Village playing fields so [...]

Newberry Road Footpath Project…2022-08-18T13:27:04+01:00



Such a lovely thing, to be able to over to the local farm just down the road from us, catch up with the news about how the Yeo family are doing, fill them with news from school and to have the opportunity to see some baby lambs too. Appreciating our local community and seeing what's on in our local area [...]


Our School Council… on food.


Our School Council meetings take place every month so that I can share my thoughts and make some decisions alongside representatives from every class.  They, in turn, read minutes back to the rest of their class and discuss the items we spoke about. For a while now, some of the year 6 children have made comments about portion sizes being [...]

Our School Council… on food.2020-02-10T20:54:56+00:00
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