Class 1

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Save Our Trees!


It all started this morning when the children were tidying up the creative table. Holly said, "No, we can't waste paper because then we cut down more trees and we won't have any oxygen!" Myla said, "All the wasted paper that it's in the bin is wasted oxygen!" So, we came up with some ideas of what we could do [...]

Save Our Trees!2022-08-18T13:26:59+01:00

Place value basketball!


This week we've started learning our teen numbers. We've learnt a new number each day and played lots of different games and activities to represent the number in different ways. Today we played place value basketball, we started off with the game on topmarks ( where we learnt that the 1 at the start of the teen number is actually [...]

Place value basketball!2021-05-07T13:27:15+01:00

We’re going on a minibeast hunt!


We've started learning all about minibeasts! We've been looking at different types of minibeasts and the micro-habitats that they live in. We've been learning about different words such as 'predator' 'prey' 'camoflague.' Oscar demonstrated to us that his coat is camoflauged! He stood in front of a black display wall and we thought it would be tricky for a predator [...]

We’re going on a minibeast hunt!2021-05-07T13:55:33+01:00

Which material works best for a house?


This afternoon we were testing materials to see which would be the best for building a house. We made our first house out of sugar cubes...but then we watched them dissolve when it rained! Next, we tried cotton wool...but it only absorbed the water. We decided the best material was the bricks as it was the only one that kept [...]

Which material works best for a house?2022-08-18T13:27:00+01:00

Christmas crafts and stories!


This afternoon we were busy making some christmas tree decorations. We used lollypop sticks and pom poms to make our own mini christmas tree! We've just got to add the star to the top and we'll be finished! We then ended the afternoon with a Christmas story - with an added extra of a Christmas Fireplace to make it warm [...]

Christmas crafts and stories!2020-12-14T16:29:12+00:00

The latest update…


Dear Parents/Carers, Thank you for your continued support.  I think we have done an amazing job in our community at keeping safe and I really appreciate your help.  I am also really proud and appreciative of our staff and children for doing so well over this term, working hard and trying their best during a time that’s been understandably and [...]

The latest update…2022-08-18T13:27:03+01:00

Children in Need Day 2020


We are so thankful for what we have and have had a wonderful day together. Here's a snapshot of our day... we are so lucky to have each other, our school and our fantastic families and friends. (Click the link for Class 4 and turn up your volume!).

Children in Need Day 20202020-11-13T17:06:01+00:00

The Nativity Story


This afternoon, Miss Tucker showed the children The Nativity Story. They even had a go at dressing up and acting out the story!

The Nativity Story2020-11-10T16:12:58+00:00

Bonds to 5!


This morning we were busy looking at how many different ways we could make the number 5. We used a five frame with blue and red counters to make different patterns. Some of us had a go at writing the number sentences to match it!

Bonds to 5!2022-08-18T13:27:03+01:00
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