Our Yr5s have been out this week on their bikes learning lots about their riding skills, road safety and bits of the Highway Code too.
Level 1 had them all put through their paces out on the playground, starting, stopping swerving, emergency stopping and also trying to master riding with just one arm on the handlebar.
Level 2 was much more complex and saw the children out on the local roads. The phrase, “Shoulder check!” was used an awful lot, but even in our quiet village, the groups really did start to understand why they needed to look round lots.
One thing I learnt, is that coming up a minor road to a T-junction with a main road, cyclists are now trained to take a much more positive position at the white line. Turning left for example, you’re not a metre away from the curb, you’re right in the middle of your lane.
It was a great week and I bet the year 5s are now looking closely at Mums’ and Dads’ driving skills! Well done everyone, and lots of thanks to their Bikeability coach Jo Anderson!
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