The Dynamic Earth is a site by theThe American National Museum of Natural History. Although the site is aimed at older children, the section on the Solar System has a fascinating video showing how scientists think our solar system was formed. The section on our World’s plate techtonics is also amazing….
BBC Science clips activities
Great site with activities for a wide range of age groups from 5-7 to 10-11. Each of the activities is interactive and linked to primary science topics.
BBC Bitesize science revision
BBC revision site with games, information and quizes on a range of topics within living things, materials and physical processes.
Children’s University of Manchester site
Fantastic science site for KS2 with well set out information and interactive activities on a range of topics including the body, micro organisms, the environment, and the Earth and beyond.
Natural History Museum – Kids Only
Online section of the NHM for younger children, includes games (dinosaurs, volcanos, nits, hair detective); naturecams of leafcutter ants and flesh-eating beetles in action; picture galleries and lots of facts.
Natural History Museum – Nature online
Online section of the NHM for 8-12yrs providing information, videos and activities based on its collections of specimens and research. Topics range from evolution and geology to biodiversity and Antarctica.
Woodland’s Science site
A really comprehensive site for primary science with information easily accessed through the main primary topic headings, including a range of games and resources from other sites.
Recycle Zone
Everything you need to know about rubbish and recycling……….
Engineering and science interactive
Great site by the University of Cambridge aimed at 9-11yrs, with a range of interactive activities on light, sound, forces, the earth and beyond and electricity…
NASA Kid’s club
An interesting site with a range of activities accessed through a ‘skill level’ so suitable for children of all ages. Includes some great photos of the Earth from space, though mainly on US places of interest.
Science News for Kids
Excellent site with really interesting articles on everything to do with science. Stories can also be accessed through topic headings.
The Dynamic Earth
Amazing site all about our Earth. It is quite American and more suitable for older children, but still full of fascinating information all about our planet and the Solar System.
Channel 4 Science
Great site for KS2 with information and good ideas for activities to carry out at home to learn about the different science topics: life, materials and physical processes.
Try Science
Created in partnership with IBM this site has activities, investigations and games from over 400 science centers worldwide, designed to invite you to investigate, discover, and try science yourself.
The Exploratorium
The website for the Exploratorium in San Francisco, a vast collection of online activities, features, programs and games exploring science, art and human perception….
National Geographic Kids
Website for the popular magazine with photos, games and activities as well as a comprehensive news section split into different topics.
Science games online
Science games split into topics, there are quite a few ads on this site but it has good games and most of the links are up to date
Nature serve – encyclopedia of nature
An online encyclopedia where you can look up any speciesinformation on more than 70,000 plants, animals, and ecosystems of the United States and Canada. Explorer includes particularly in-depth coverage for rare and endangered species…