Some of us (The Shaddicks) turned up early and set up camp (a mansion of a shanty town just for the two of them) and some of us arrived after dinner time to work out where was best to set up camp given that most of the carpet space had been taken by either the mansion or Shelter Box’s tent, itself quite an impressive tent!
Some went for simple covers using chairs, pews and blankets, some of us constructed cardboard dens, some simply made their beds out in the open (yes, still inside the church) and yet no-one set up camp inside Shelterbox’s tent!
Peter and Roger showed us a DVD of what Shelterbox do and how they help and they also opened the box and showed us the items that they manage to squash inside. There’s enough things in there to support 10 people.
After some free time and another DVD for the kids, we settled down for the night. It was all quite exciting and I’ve got a feeling my Joe was the only one to say he wanted to go home. (He texted Mum to say it wasn’t scary and then promptly fell asleep so I think he was alright really!)
Waking up in the morning to the smell of bacon sizzling and coffee brewing was lovely (thanks Mike.)
We don’t know how much we managed to raise through sponsorship but I do know that there were two of us who started with a sponsorship amount of £0 (yes, zero) but I managed to get that to £35 by the morning using the power of Facebook!
If you’ve not donated yet… please Donate here and let us know so we can work out a total! (THANKS!)
Wow, a massive well done to all the children (and parents) that took part, it seems like there was some very creative shelter building last night! Hopefully everyone will donate loads of money for such a fantastic cause!
Keith and James up to £170 and rising!
WOW, WELL DONE! (No pressure for the rest of us!)