A message from Sam Page, Headteacher of Caen Primary…
Without needing to repeat any of it, he’s saying to our wider community what I’ve had little time to do myself.
Please have a read, and thank you for being patient with us.

Dear Parents and Carers,

The Devon Association of Primary and Secondary Head Teachers will be having a conference call with the Head of Education for Devon County Council at 11am this morning and we will then be given some guidance following this, though a key worker list may not come out until tonight or tomorrow so please do bear with.

We have a plan here for opening next week, booking-in and feeding children and are having a conference call with our local primaries this afternoon to plan for next week and beyond. We have a plan for Easter opening should that be needed. We have a plan for looking after those children aged 0-3 of key workers should local nursery schools be struggling. We will communicate all of this with you either later today or tomorrow once we have a clearer idea about what is needed.

This is an era defining moment and from the very highest levels of government people are planning but these plans are fluid. I understand people are scared for livelihoods but we must trust that the government will step in – it is and across Europe and the wider world it is. What we can say is that from looking across Europe and China it is highly likely, nay a certainty, that further measures will be brought in to restrict contact to try and slow and prevent the spread of COVID-19. In France they had introduced measures to keep people inside but they have now had to introduce much larger fines and start enforcing these as the population were not adhering to the advice. On Newsnight last night the governor for Lombardy, in Italy, was beside himself that people had not followed the advice and this was causing the huge spike in infection rates and death that they reported yesterday. By the end of today they expect the death rate in Italy to surpass China. This morning I spoke with a parent who manages a local supermarket; there is enough food if people buy just what is needed. With regards to toilet roll, he was told that this rush had come from Australia as they import theirs from China and at the time their factories had shut down or moved to medical production. Our toilet roll is grown and manufactured in Europe and supply lines are fine for that [and other goods] if we just buy what is needed. At this time we must pull together and think about what we can do for each other – the best thing right now is to minimise contact and self-isolate if family members show symptoms to try and keep people out of hospital [for any reason] is key.

When we hear about the key workers and I have spoken to local Head Teachers I will email again.

Kind regards,