The state of this stable…!
Julian Thomas2019-12-11T15:52:08+00:00I bet if Mary and Joseph had managed to get a room, the Inn would've cleared up before they arrived? They'll have to put up with a bit off a mess tonight. (Mike, where's your Hoover?)
I bet if Mary and Joseph had managed to get a room, the Inn would've cleared up before they arrived? They'll have to put up with a bit off a mess tonight. (Mike, where's your Hoover?)
Following on from our previous post, the debate went really badly and we lost... but then we were arguing in the position of a Packaging Manager and actually, didn't believe in what we had to put forward! Backtrack... Our Eco Council went to the Met Office building today to take part in the first ever SAS Plastic Free Conference. SAS' [...]
Our Eco Council has been invited by Surfers Against Sewage to take part in a debate on Tuesday, one that's going to be extremely challenging... we're playing the part of a Packaging Manufacture and we're supporting the motion that the plastic free programme should be put on pause for another 20 years! This caused some confusion in our brief discussion [...]
Decorate The Darkness, by Small Town Jones, sung by Reuben Jones and the Braunton School Choir. Such a gorgeous tune... and a charity single with a heartfelt message for our community and beyond. Proceeds go to "Ask for Jake" on Spotify on Amazon Also on iTunes (I've no idea how to do a link to it from here!!)
Western Power are doing work on Hobbs Hill on Thursday - that narrow section outside of The Thatch. I've heard it's between 9 and 4... but we've got no details other than what we've seen on this residents' letter.
A Hustings Event to give you, the voters, a chance to hear and question each parliamentary candidate and discover what they hope to achieve on behalf of the country and for our region. Steve Cotton - Robbie Mack - Finola ONeill - Selaine Saxby - Alex White Come and Hear From Our Parliamentary Candidates At St. George’s Church, Church Road [...]
Well done to all our swimmers this morning! Terrific start to the week, and my voice may now be shattered by all that shouting! Thanks to Paul Trueman for helping out. (And I know he was shouting more than I was!)
A reminder about the Swimming Gala tomorrow (specific children in classes 3 and 4 were given their swimming reminder sheet last week.) Normal registration at school... the coach from the village hall... and hopefully finished for 12.30. The letter issued does say about bringing a packed lunch please! Parents have been reminded that ... "they must keep fire exits clear [...]
Here's a letter we sent out to our families this week. We're thrilled to be able to share the lovely news that we're a GOOD school, as inspected by the Ofsted Inspector's very rigorous inspection last month. Please have a read below... and click the link at the bottom to the actual report. Dear parent / guardian, As you will [...]
So Mary and Joseph were at church this morning, and so were a lot of the community, as well as some coffee and cake too. I'm sure Mary just wanted a bit of breathing space in her condition, bless her, but after a few chocolate brownies and a bit of a give-away of the story sung by the school chidren, [...]