Yearly Archives: 2015


Solar stills…


Class 3 experimented with solar stills and plant condensation to try and gain some water from thin air! They'll have to see how it ends up tomorrow morning!

Solar stills…2015-10-12T14:06:27+01:00

It’s been a fun packed week in Class 1!


What a busy week it's been! Class 1 have been practising their letters, sounds and numbers in a variety of ways. We've been enjoying our new number game where we race each other to find the correct number being called out. We're getting very quick at lining up our numbers too! We have also been using Numicon to find lots [...]

It’s been a fun packed week in Class 1!2015-10-09T13:25:31+01:00

Class 4 are all offered a job…


Class 4 all visited Coldharbour Mill today in the hope of securing employment at the woollen mill. They were met by the manager, Mr Robinson, who was looking for fit young employees the would be able to run fast and duck out of the way of the dangerous machines. There were a surprising number of children [...]

Class 4 are all offered a job…2022-08-18T13:27:23+01:00

Singing resources…


Class 4: this is a post to point you to your very own blog-PAGE that has all the info you need for the singing event.  Click the link in the black bar (it may go orange) at the top of this post! ...or here if you want!  

Singing resources…2022-08-18T13:27:23+01:00

Harvest Service…


An absolutely lovely Harvest Service thanks to Mike, Tim (and The Cooks) and the teams from both St.George's and Croyde Baptists. "Thank God for half-pipes, Baked Beans and Mums and Dads."  Thanks also to Ali and Lorraine for the dough we made our bread rolls from.  My plait didn't turn out anything like Tracey's but Edward's ended up being a [...]

Harvest Service…2015-10-04T14:35:11+01:00

Harvest Assembly…


Class one showed us their autumn pictures with leaves falling to the ground. Class two sang us a lovely song. Class four was next... They told us what harvest stood for for them, and Class three told us about the water cycle. Mike spoke about how we should appreciate and thank God for the clean water that is [...]

Harvest Assembly…2015-10-02T15:25:41+01:00

Maths, art and computing combined!


In maths this morning I wanted to assess the learning in class 4 about our work on angles this term. The class had to: Measure angles Calculate missing angles Draw angles (very accurately) BUT...they had to incorporate this into their own computer game screen shot. Here are a few of them Tess: I used the angles to make [...]

Maths, art and computing combined!2015-10-02T11:26:08+01:00

Maths Home Learning!


Hopefully your child has brought home a note telling you all about the maths website that we subscribe to. Your child is able to 'login' at home and has access to activities that have been allocated to them. They're good fun and will definitely help to consolidate classroom learning. Website: Username: Child's first name, with a capital letter Password: [...]

Maths Home Learning!2022-08-18T13:27:23+01:00

Life Education bus…


Class 3 went to the Life Skills caravan this morning.We were introduced to many different organs in the body and were told about the jobs they do. Which one is the most important? How do nerves work? Oscar had to pass the message on for Sam to wave his hand at a friend across the road. Sam got tired waving [...]

Life Education bus…2022-08-18T13:27:23+01:00
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