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Putsborough Beach Walk…
I love our Putsborough Beach Walk. It’s a really nice community spirited event bringing loads of us together for a fun time on the beach. Great too that it’s moved from the traditional (but busy) side of the summer holiday to the equally nice weather this term – what a great way to start the year!
Thanks again to Rob and Tony, and also to the FROGS for helping us put it on.
Well done to Sam T and Mia M, but also to Joseph, “Next year I’m going to come first as I’m the first year 5 boy and next year I’ll be year 6.”
Annie: “I’m too tired to talk.”
Adele: “Keep running, actually just start running!” …To Steve and Phoebe as they were slowly sauntering along the beach. (They both arrived, walking at my end of the beach too. But then, we had dog walkers and last year we had a push chair too! Wonder if anyone will cycle it some year?! I even thought about getting in for a swim – a ‘Putsborough Beach Swim’ next year anyone?)
A mother of a child in reception at Swimbridge said that she thought it was amazing event and that her son would love it.
Amias: “I’m so tired but it was awesome!”
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