Class Stars 🙂 Well done to…

Our Early Years… Hubie Hill

Class 2… Myla Blake

Class 3… Nadia Sypianska

Class 4… Presley Turner

This ½ term’s school value is…

We are A Community.

We encourage a sense of belonging and responsibility to each other, our environment and the world we live in…

Love your neighbour as yourself.Matthew 22. v39

Attendance so far…

School average 93.3% (still below 95% where it should be)

We do have have a stomach bug and Covid-19 doing the rounds, but it’s really important to be at school when you’re well enough to.

What a term.  It really has, possibly been the toughest of the two years so far, what with Covid racing through North Devon and hitting Georgeham hard.
And yet, the children have been positive, kind, eager, confident and supportive of each other – it’s been a delight teaching them and it just makes our day having such lovely children here.

What’s been going on over the past few weeks?  Well we blog about our learning and our news quite often and you’ll have already seen, read and heard lots… But did you know that…

The EYFS group have been doing art work based on Jackson Pollock’s work?
They also went shopping at Keri’s shop (whilst she was cooking lunch and baking Class 3’s bread no less!) for their cake-making ingredients.

Class 2 attended the Braunton Learning Cooperative Trust’s Music Festival at Braunton Academy.  They joined with the other schools in a collective festival, but also had a couple of songs just on their own, including solos from Molly Wright and Myla Blake!  Well done girls!

Class 3 made flatbread this week.  After the very hectic lunchtime of cooking, baking and setting up a shop, Keri also then judged the bakers’ breads.  Phoebe Maguire was awarded first place for a soft chocolate orange flat bread, but I was offered some of Isaac’s very spicy bread (chilli flakes and chilli sauce) and I did like that one!

Class 4 look amazing today with a finishing off of their topic, dressed as Vikings.  Hopefully you saw them coming out of the church but a tremendous effort has been made with some of these costumes and they all look the part!  They’ve also been Den Building this week and so the playground has a veritable fort at the top of the field – they’ve been loving it!

Of course, we also had several Easter Egg Hunts going on through the school, and someone (I wonder who?) went around delivering Easter Eggs to every child, and every adult in school!  How lovely!

Good luck Miss Smale / Mrs Parker!  The Met Office always predicts slowly so I hope the good weather will be perfectly timed for your big day!

Thanks again to Miss Summerville who, after 14 years here, has her final official day here.  I’ve heard many people singing her praises and the children have loved her science days, but she also loves it at Georgeham and she will be back.  Thank you for everything Miss Summerville.

What’s happening next term? 

  • SATs in the 3rd week (9th May)
  • Both London for Year 6 and St. George’s House for Class 3 on the 4th week (16th May)
  • ‘Parish Picnic’ after school on Wednesday 25th May, to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.

Braunton Academy are looking for exam invigilators. This seems like a national problem, and most probably due to anxiety about Covid transmission, but secondary schools really need extra staff to help invigilate exams… Have you got time and could help? There’s an advert on their website.

COVID-19  The NHS website seems to have been amended recently and now shows that main symptoms have been expanded from the three that we’ve been familiar with over the past two years.  It now includes headaches and tiredness amongst several others.  Here are the two links for children and adults.  

If your child is ill, then they shouldn’t come to school.
If they have recognised symptoms (as per the web link above) then it’s possible they have Covid and they should try to avoid contact with others.  A test would indicate whether they do or not, but these aren’t mandatory and only need to be taken if directed to do so.
If your child is well and doesn’t have a temperature, then they can return to school.  We would prefer 1 day clear of the illness just to make sure nothing is passed on to others.
After a positive Covid test, a child under the age of 18 should stay at home and try to avoid contact with others for 3 days following the positive result.  They could return to school as long as they feel well enough to and don’t have a temperature.
Don’t forget, for diarrhoea and vomiting, it’s 2 days clear.
There will no doubt be a change to the Risk Assessment, but I’ve not had guidance from County about that yet.  I’ll email it when I do it, but I bet ventilation of classrooms and hand sanitizers will still be in there.

Attendance at school is still really important, but we understand if you have genuine reasons for staying off school.


Our front doors are open between 8.45 and 8.55 with children doing learning activities as soon as they arrive. Sadly, the ones who arrive late at 9.00 am would have missed this, and the ones who are later can even miss the introduction to the next learning task.
Please aim to arrive for 8.45am
Please do look at the school menu before you leave home in the morning. Keri is unable to adjust the menu each day and it’s important that the children know what’s on offer and are happy to make choices in the morning.

Love your neighbour as yourself.

Matthew 22. v39

Dates in the diary… bottom of the front page…

Dinner Menu…

Our school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Julian Thomas
We have two Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Lucy Rinvolucri and Emma Hill.
You can contact us on

If you have any concerns that you’d like to discuss, please call through to Jo and ask for an appointment with one of us. You may also find some useful or helpful information on our Safeguarding webpage…